I tried

Thumbnail of the map 'I tried'

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Author ivegotyournumber
Tags author:ivegotyournumber playable survival unrated
Created 2006-03-18
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I tried to make this map as hard as possible so try it out!
(This is my old map only now it has a start point!)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Playing With tool.' Thumbnail of the map 'If so Why not 2'
Playing With tool. If so Why not 2


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Demo Data

done, not that hard

if you know what your doing, 2/5 partly for putting pointless items outside of the border, dont do that

and dont randomly place objects or tiles that wont be used either,

and one last thing, dont make it as hard as you can unless you can make it fun, incredibly hard maps with hard as the only quality wont get good ratings, make it more exciting or more fun to play around in

3/5 overall
Demo Data


The rocket is really annoying.
4/5 for diffuculty