Lol Launch Pads

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Author orcsfromlotr
Tags author:orcsfromlotr rated test
Created 2006-03-18
Last Modified 2008-01-06
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description HOLD RIGHT! I know its a bit short but it looks funny. Every single laundpad is edited. And if you watch after it's done, N does his victory poses in midair sometimes. It's funny. :D
EDIT: This is now a ded to Xanderj

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Guiseppi Ded (Hold Right at Start) Guiseppi Ded (Resub) Nine times table Um... Free Ski Jump Ded (Read instuctions!) Puzzling Puzzler (Read instuctions)


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Kinda ok

Not my favorite though.


Haha well good!

Love the ending too! 5/5
Would like to know how you edited the launchpads I'm not so good at editing stuff like that (well.. not good at all) looks so interesting though!


That was cool!!


That is so funny when he does his dance moves while flying through the air!!!