Previs Pertant: Luxura

Thumbnail of the map 'Previs Pertant: Luxura'

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Author it0hg2
Tags action author:it0hg2 playable unrated
Created 2006-03-15
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Resubmitted due to zero ratings/comments. Plus I spiced it up a bit for you guys. Comments/ratings/demos massively appreciated. (I might give a nice all-gold demo an even nicer ded.)

Other maps by this author

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It's Just a Joke Tantric 38 Satisplosion Razor Simplicity Previs Pertant Addler (v. 0.1)


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Thank you.

But what's so bad about embedding gold and mines inside tiles?

It was great

A few things though:
Please never place gold halfway through tiles.
You can put mines halfway through tiles but if you do try not to let more than 2/3 of it stick out, or keep it completely out.
Please don't put door switches halfway through the ground.

Actually, besides those things, the map was great. the aesthetics' only flaws were the ones listed above so overall I think 4.5/5.