
Thumbnail of the map 'Slither'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Tags action author:bobodahobo playable rated
Created 2006-03-09
Last Modified 2006-03-09
by 21 people.
Map Data

Description Awesome map. Made from wellsj's snake tileset but inversed. Have fun!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Why won't the squares Become my Friends?' Thumbnail of the map 'Canned Plants v.2' Thumbnail of the map 'Those Who Giveth' Thumbnail of the map 'Subterreanian' Thumbnail of the map 'A Moldy Carrot for Hydron' Thumbnail of the map 'Amebiotic'
Why won't the squares Become my Friends? Canned Plants v.2 Those Who Giveth Subterreanian A Moldy Carrot for Hydron Amebiotic


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great map

all gold
Demo Data

xdude rox

some people dont care anymore. Some people let snipers do it, dont say anyhting, then they go away. I let some snipers get 100+ of my maps, and they brought my average rating way down. Guess what I did? I made these extra good bitesized maps that even got in the top rated. Good luck to you...
now i didnt need to comment and couldve rated you a that would be shitty eh?? yea well, just to say that I hate snipers.... 5/5 great map
good work. The first rocket and the first two clumped together mines are annoying, though

Are you kidding me

look at this demo!
Demo Data


all but one
Demo Data

i like

the tile set *drools*


that is an awsome tileset!

all gold

but i died
Demo Data