ChurchFire's Challenge

Thumbnail of the map 'ChurchFire's Challenge'

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Author ChurchFire
Tags author:churchfire playable race rated
Created 2006-03-08
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description eets a race!
its a bit slow in the beginning, dont go too fast
if you need a demo just let me know
rate and comment!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Curb' Thumbnail of the map 'spider' Thumbnail of the map 'In teh Tr33s' Thumbnail of the map '"Victory for Sylvanas"' Thumbnail of the map 'Tower of Iris' Thumbnail of the map 'Side-Step'
Curb spider In teh Tr33s "Victory for Sylvanas" Tower of Iris Side-Step


Pages: (0)

Retarded People

you people just dont know how to do can go ahead and admit that you are a total noob and a failure at races.


i abserloutly hated it sorry but you asked for a comment

plus the jumps aren't all have to angle yourself and stuff to land them, then you lose your momentum.... overall pretty bad


Hate it!

Sorry, but I hate it!
here eet isss!
Demo Data