Ride the rocket

Thumbnail of the map 'Ride the rocket'

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Author Dasati
Tags author:dasati dda rated
Created 2006-03-08
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description This is my first DDA and yes, im aware that its crap! lol. Plz tell me what you think!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Caged' Thumbnail of the map 'Graffiti' Thumbnail of the map 'Incline' Thumbnail of the map 'Verticle Impossiblity' Thumbnail of the map 'Verticle Slope' Thumbnail of the map 'Gardinia'
Caged Graffiti Incline Verticle Impossiblity Verticle Slope Gardinia


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i think i'll make one like this one time

great first one man

check out my newest maps plz :-D


thanks for the top ratings! and yeh a petition is a good idea lol.


One more: It have many free space, you can work to create many close calls
I have 3 reproofs:

It is too short;
It have unnecessary gold delay;
The waiting too many the thwimp!

4/5 from me!


when you rate you should have to comment and in order to rate you need to leave at least your username... only if we could update Numa and do that....lets have a petition!! lol


thats a great idea about the sniping... :)

1st DDA ??

thats pretty nifty for a 1st DDA...i actually liked it... the best DDA's are way longer thats the only thing I have to say besides 4/5....and wow...1st DDA...nice