Virus 2 : Stomach Flu

Thumbnail of the map 'Virus 2 : Stomach Flu'

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Author egghead4
Tags author:egghead4 playable race unrated
Created 2006-03-05
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description The sequal to Virus : Chicken Pox. I like this beter 'cause its a race :-D, which I love. Its a speedy fun little race, but I still cant make a better looking stomach....please rate and comment.

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The Hills Have Eyes 4 is a Magic Number A Perfect Landing...Or So... Tortellini and a Side of Rice and Beans 3 MiniMan Race Virus : Chicken Pox


Pages: (0)

crappy demo

good map
Demo Data

little faster

Demo Data

Too Easy



but short and not too hard. 3/5


Pretty good. If you go down to the intestines next you could have one hell of a long race :)

And the tileset was pretty good too, considering.

Heres my demo.
Demo Data