
Thumbnail of the map 'Blockbuster'

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Author thefantastics
Tags author:thefantastics dda rated
Created 2006-03-03
Last Modified 2006-03-03
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description this is a dda a made from one of CaptZeroth's incomplete levels, enjoy

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Level Run'
Level Run


Pages: (0)


I rated this map 4/5.

Well done

For a first DDA, It is excellent. For example, look at my first DDA... HAHAHA. It was Horrible! But Im getting good now.

The link...

Just for those who might want to use this tileset, here is the link:

By the way, 4/5.

its ok

some good ideas, work on the close calls a bit

some things seemed pointless...but overall it was decent, ill give it a 3.5


for a first DDA, it is good in the following ways:
- it has good propulsion devices
- some attacks are dodged
- DDA enemies (like rockets and laser drones) are used
- use of tile set is amazing

But you could have done better.
- make it longer

And for a first, that is enough to ask from you. Because compared to other newbie DDA's, this is exceptional.

PS. I am in the process of creating my own first DDA. I hope others like it. I got inspirations from top rated DDAs. I hope you watched them and get more inspiration from them.

I'll give it a 4.5 even though others will completely disagree with me. But I have my reasons.