
Thumbnail of the map 'Speedcore'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Nayt
Tags author:nayt playable race rated
Created 2006-02-27
Last Modified 2006-02-27
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description i was messing with tight squeezes and launchpads and i made this map. it would be great for speed demos...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'charge!' Thumbnail of the map 'Straight and Narrow' Thumbnail of the map '3E' Thumbnail of the map 'Long Race' Thumbnail of the map 'Whizz-Bang' Thumbnail of the map 'Narrow Margin of Error'
charge! Straight and Narrow 3E Long Race Whizz-Bang Narrow Margin of Error


Pages: (0)


..but the beginning was a little messed up if you didn't hit it just right, and it was a bit short and easy. Good map though. 4/5


Yay. That was fun!
Demo Data

i like

but a bit too easy

2nd try
and i suck at this game