
Thumbnail of the map 'Flawless'

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Author theshav
Tags author:theshav playable race rated
Created 2006-02-25
Last Modified 2006-03-19
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description Dont ya hate it when someone just takes the easy way out in a race map? Well lets see someone cheat this!

I have seen many critical-timing races that requires stopping and losing the flow. This is one of the few i have seen that needs near-perfect timing and maintains a good flow.

Post your demos and comment on suggestions and the like.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Thwumped' Thumbnail of the map 'Do Not Look Down 2' Thumbnail of the map 'The Epic - XLI - The mountain of erupting rocks' Thumbnail of the map 'Half - Century' Thumbnail of the map 'For Grandma' Thumbnail of the map 'Minimap I - Maize!'
Thwumped Do Not Look Down 2 The Epic - XLI - The mountain of erupting rocks Half - Century For Grandma Minimap I - Maize!


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I guess I should have found out which way was 'proper' first...
Demo Data

it's been there

since i came home from swimming.
no idea how it got there.


Finally, a comment... Hey genetic, your map is the top rated race!

5th top rated race!

I shouldn't be so surprised though...


flawlessly flawless.
on thing though...
was I meant to get killed by that third zap drone, or was I going too fast?

Comments are great!

3 ratings 0 comments...

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