Mini Milieu

Thumbnail of the map 'Mini Milieu'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Tags author:bobodahobo rated test
Created 2006-02-23
Last Modified 2006-02-23
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description I have always loved this map so i decided to make a mini version.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Tentacular Amenities' Thumbnail of the map 'Tileset' Thumbnail of the map 'Shofar' Thumbnail of the map 'Latteral Giraffe' Thumbnail of the map 'Strenght Ts' Thumbnail of the map 'QuarterLife'
Tentacular Amenities Tileset Shofar Latteral Giraffe Strenght Ts QuarterLife


Pages: (0)


But it _WAS_ listed as an action map.
Edited, ovviously.


I don't really like the idea of these maps counting towards people's averages, as they are other people's map designs.
Oh well.

I'm happy to see a few of my maps being done.
As for this one, it's ok but I don't like the ending and I think the rocket dies too easily.
Just my opinion.

oh shit

sorry, I though this was an ATOB map. my bad. yea, sorry, I'll vote this. 4.5. Yea, very sorry. ATOB has 4 maps today, and I thought this was his 5th. my bad.


Thats actually only #2 today. And uh....ya not spamming definately not spamming. As for the map, it is pretty good, but just a little easy, but I really like the drop to the end.


gonna stop voting your maps. Sorry, but this is borderline spamming. Granted your maps are very well made, this is #5 today! So please, either take more time on your maps (which it looks like you do), or get involved in something other than N