Do You See?

Thumbnail of the map 'Do You See?'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author el_umi
Tags author:el_umi rated test
Created 2006-02-17
Last Modified 2006-04-27
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Awkward...
I submitted this for some reason. but i forgot.(or was it no reason at all?...) This may take awhile.
Now what was that reason...
After seing this alot of times, you can see alot of things within this image.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'One By One' Thumbnail of the map 'NUMA?' Thumbnail of the map 'The Continous Lighting' Thumbnail of the map 'I Had A Good Title For This, But I Forgot...' Thumbnail of the map 'N-Art 30' Thumbnail of the map 'Ender'
One By One NUMA? The Continous Lighting I Had A Good Title For This, But I Forgot... N-Art 30 Ender


Pages: (0)

At first

sight I definitely saw a clown. Then I looked harder, and saw a personified airplane. Next came the crazy rabbit with a moustache. Then, of course, that led to the Crazy French Chef, and let's not even talk about him...


Nah, im joking :p

Its a battered cabbage.
I have no idea what you bullshitters are talking about

i care

and I hope that furious dies a painful Numa death...


for those who care i decided to keep doing my pattern arts until i get to 50 or i get tired of making them.
did he snipe you too?

If so, go to the my hero map. He's trying to get other people to go against me...


i thought about it. i might submit it.

what about...

...tileset madness? i think it's more original than many other entries.

Looks like....



first map on blue numa ;)
(or is that just for me?)

I think

It looks like a masked elephant!


It's a pig!