3 Games for the price of 1

Thumbnail of the map '3 Games for the price of 1'

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Author kirbs
Tags action author:kirbs playable rated
Created 2006-02-13
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Here are 3 games in 1 map.
Bottom - Mario: Bowser's castle. The mines are the lava, an the drones are the fireballs, and the thwump is the thwomp (surprise).
Middle - Counter Strike: A desert level. It's like Counter Strike, but you have no gun(s). Don't get shot down!
Top - Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Just go around the 'loops' and defeat Robotnik's robot. And at the end, you jump on the switch, releasing Sonic's 'friends', just like in the end of Act 2.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Down the Hatch' Thumbnail of the map 'Occult' Thumbnail of the map 'Boarding the Alien Ship' Thumbnail of the map 'Horse Shoe' Thumbnail of the map 'Square Eyes' Thumbnail of the map 'Vines'
Down the Hatch Occult Boarding the Alien Ship Horse Shoe Square Eyes Vines


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i like the cs part best, mario second and sonic least, i like them all though


Demo Data

nice map i like it

first post lol 4.5/5