
Thumbnail of the map 'Arci'

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Tags author:bobodahobo playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-02-09
by 17 people.
Map Data

Description An extremely hard new type of puzzle. You have to do get the rocket out, jump in the chute and get back out. The trick it to get back out of the chute. Ill leave you to figure that out.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Ahybridian' Thumbnail of the map 'Singular Division' Thumbnail of the map 'From Annon to Doom' Thumbnail of the map 'Should I?' Thumbnail of the map 'Treberend' Thumbnail of the map 'Denominator'
Ahybridian Singular Division From Annon to Doom Should I? Treberend Denominator


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i decided

to put you on my favorite autors list =]


so good, i'd pay to see a completed demo...well, not really, but whatever..

I love

Ridiculously hard maps, and this is certainly one of them. Demo to come. 5/5


i got owned quite alot.
I found getting out of the middle one was quite hard, man.
Very nice map, truley difficult. fav'd as well