Alter Echo

Thumbnail of the map 'Alter Echo'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author euphoria
Tags author:euphoria bitesized playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-02-04
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description A quick action/puzzle hybrid. The surface is action while the underside is a delicate jump puzzle. Categorized as puzzle because most of the time is spent on the underside.
--Resubmitted because doghouse can't complete it. Don't rate it down because you suck at it

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Lightly' Thumbnail of the map 'Sandstorm' Thumbnail of the map 'Paradigm Shift' Thumbnail of the map 'Chute!' Thumbnail of the map 'Lethal Cut' Thumbnail of the map 'Little Guardians'
Lightly Sandstorm Paradigm Shift Chute! Lethal Cut Little Guardians


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One More

and you hit 100 :D


Your demo is broken. And the final part, jumping the rocket, is so rediculously easy for me..


did you even read what I wrote?

yes atrium

i have a noobish palaying skillzorororooodoos but that doesn't stop me from not liking this map does it??? i hate it, fair enough.


And then that final rocket-terrain combo...
I mean... much can I disregard the gruelling feel of the map to rate it highly?
Demo Data

Corner jumps...

I've done them in my own maps, and I hate myself for it.

Just say no to door corner jumps.

Awesome job

I juts love your style.

Now to take apart some of the crap I see written here.
Firstly, Gemmini_Dreams, You say you didn't like the action side. Where did he brag about a great action side. You liked the puzzle and this is a puzzle map, thus u like the map. Asking for action in a puzzle map is n00bish and annoying.

Next up, doghouse. What can I say except ratings on other peoples maps should not reflect YOUR terrible, n00bing playing skill. I am sick to death of seeing this happen and it has happened far too much.

When you are rating a map, you need to look at the creator's intentions then the rating should be how well they matched that with what they produced. This was obviously intended as a minimalist jumper-puzzle in classic euph style with a little bit of added challenge via rockets. Targeted at seasoned to pro players and not supposed to be finished first hit.

That is almost obvious just from the screen shot.
Then you get your type who get on here and start complaining and shooting low ratings around because it isn't the type of map they like and it doesn't match their skill level or blah-dee-fv<king-blah.

You really need to get past that if you want to have any reasonable chance of making it around here.


But I have submitted more than 100 maps, they just don't show my really old maps (i.e 2004 maps). Plus I may have deleted some..


neway, dont blame me for the rating to drop to 3.5/5 now...ive already voted and i gave it a bug 2/5. Either some other shit player agrees with me or someone sniped it, either ways, don go blaming me. In my opinion, i didn't like it even if i was good at playing.

Happy Hundredth

Happy hundredth map, euphoria. 4.5/5.

Dear doghouse

I suggest you get better at N before playing any of my maps in the future.

With love, euphoria.

its awkard

how you have to dodge the rocket while making a hard jump. i cant beat it. im so sad. i haven't been on numa because of pre primary school. im crying.
2/5 is a rating for a bad map, this isn't bad, you just have to admit you can't beat it, and explain how its ackward?

um yeah...

how can you say rating it a 2/5 is bad??? Sure that was my first try but i didn't like it and theres no way you can make me change my mind about it!! 2/5. I didn't like the mixture of action and puzzle in one map, its just too awkard.


The action side was lacking, but the puzzle was hard as like, I dont know. Nice map.