
Thumbnail of the map 'Colloseus'

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Author joem
Tags author:joem playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-02-03
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description No enemy jumper puzzle. Not diffcult in the slightest. Have fun.

Other maps by this author

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Gatsby Brakes Dormant Caverne Moderna Cava Cragmire Bob Lind (the only way is down)


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That was the point.

The idea was that it wasn't supposed to be THAT easy to complete the level. It's still not that hard. I'd post a demo, but my computer is not working properly.


Gemini is right, you need to fix the cracks.
But it is impossiblely hard to get into the cracks, I glitched it the first time. Maybe its just me, but I cant seem to get to the switich or the door. I wont rate yet because you may not of seen this.