
Thumbnail of the map 'cromosomes'

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Author VV33
Tags author:vv33 playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-02-02
Last Modified 2006-02-02
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description n has cancer! he enters the cancerous pixle (cell) in the hope that he can try a cure himself.

he has two options:
to spimply kill the cancer by reinactivating the genes for apoptosos, at thier locus (buttons). then preform apoptosis (promgramed cell death) wich is the top exit.
he can cure the cell of cancer without kiling it by chaging his genitic code (colecting all the gold) and going out the bottom exit, he must also activated some genes at thier locus

he must also not change any of the other DNA (mines), this could cause mutation more horific than cancer!

You Must Decide What to DO!
(before the cell becomes a tumor)

-good luck

Other maps by this author

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face urn bamboo box waterloo sunset sciaphobia house of the rising sun


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So I'll rate it a 3.5...
and then add 0.5 for the neat pathing.

When people rate insanely difficult maps 5 a bunch of times, we get things like 88-4 (Mother Thumpting Impossible).

Ignoring the difficulty value of a map is just not the right choice... especially when it gets in the way of the fun value.

-1.0: I hate start locations where N dies in 2 seconds.
I DID NOT write that comment. My friend Scott "Can't play N" Sevin (thats pronounced Say-van for those not from the south) wrote that when he was playing on MY account! MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!! HE MAKES ME ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

no problem

i am glad someone liked the theme


Sorry for double post.
Fun map though


You have some biological jargon there, and alot of it is icorrect :P
One of my favourite study areas was apoptosis, and I studied rather hard on the subject of genes and DNA to up my marks.


You have some biological jargon there, and alot of it is icorrect :P
One of my favourite study areas was apoptosis, and I studied rather hard on the subject of genes and DNA to up my marks.

my bad

sry, i didn't mean to ofend


It wouldn't have taken much to bring it down half a point. No map on NUMA has lasted as a five for very long. 5s are very fragile ratings, and it probably would have taken a 4 to bring it down, at which you should not be offended.


what rating does it take to go from 5/5 w/ 7 votes
to 4.5/5 with 8 votes?

and they didn't even give a reson why they thought it so bad...


(ha ha that rhyms)
you shouldn't rate a map down cause it is to hard for you UNLESS it is REALY to hard, chalenges are fun.

secound, dont rate a map high or low to spite someone- it just not cool.


id give it a 4 because it too hard for me, but mr. guacomole here is stupid, so 5/5

yahoozy gucamole

ur retarded
dont u realize tahts the point of the platforms?
so u cant use teh walls
its a jumper puzzle


You should test your levels!You can't win because the platforms are facing the wrong way!