Thwump Tunnel v2

Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump Tunnel v2'

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Author XxQuIcKsAnDxX
Tags author:xxquicksandxx dda rated
Created 2006-02-01
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description faster, closer to death and more exciting. if u dont call this close, i dunno wat u can call close... watch it frame by frame if u dont believe me. u can access version 1 here, but that was mostly about lookin kool rather than actually bein exciting.

Other maps by this author

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OWN3D Laser Annoyance Concrete Rain Cramped Maze of Confuzzlement Level of Annoyance


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Way too many launchpads. You have to vary your method of transportation at least slightly in a DDA.


i thought that C-O-O-L!!! 5!!! hard to believe but there were close calls in there and the thumbnail looks great too!!!


it was hard enough makin N go thru that once, im not sure if its even possible to make it go thru twice

one big close call

that was ill


good but its a shame that it doesnt keep working