
Thumbnail of the map 'Circles'

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Author atqamar
Tags author:atqamar playable race rated
Created 2006-01-23
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description This is actually a mini Race. Since I am a beginner, I tried to make it a bit harder so I added the bottom and left portions. I want to see an all gold demo. Rate, and comment please.

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It looks like boobs.
but soon becomes puzzle/action hybrid.


A race map is supposed to run completely smoothly. i.e. no stopping for gold or delicate jumping. it should be kind-of like a DDA in that there's a specific path, unlike a normal action map.Not bad though... just not quite what i'd call a race and too easy to be an action map.

My demo.

The hardest part (to me) is getting the middle key at the bottom. I know I had a bad time on the left... I could have done better.
Demo Data