
Thumbnail of the map 'Friste'

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Author Maniak
Tags action author:maniak playable rated
Created 2006-01-21
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description I am fed up with the piles of n00b garbage that have piled up around NUMA. As a result, I am thinking of publishing maps more often, so you, the casual NUMA user, can at least play a few quality maps and get a breather in this flood.

Anyway, this map, like most, gets more interesting if you go for the gold, but it also gets harder. I think it's very well constructed, however.

Please give me comments if you rate - that way I'll know what I did right and did wrong, and I'll fix it the next map round.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Cautious Initiative' Thumbnail of the map 'Angular Motion' Thumbnail of the map 'Ickle' Thumbnail of the map 'Just Over the Horizon' Thumbnail of the map 'Coo-ee!' Thumbnail of the map 'Dedication to tktktk'
Cautious Initiative Angular Motion Ickle Just Over the Horizon Coo-ee! Dedication to tktktk


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I'm thinking this would fit well in an episode - if you're low on time or don't want to bother getting the gold, go right for the exit (but it'll still require some work of course) or play the level and get gl0d.


i urge you not to place gold in tiles. It looks gimmicky and silly.

Excellent, maniac.

_That's_ the best way to react to noob infestation. Drive 'em out with quality.

4/5, nice map.

*goes to make a map*


i kinda think the top isn't desirable enough....i don't know why either....I'm really best at DDAs, so i couldn't really improve on any actions. it's fun. Look forward to more!

Thank you.

Although i can't say my levels (Check em out if you want) are Expertly designed, they are not noob garbage. there has been craploads of it piling up though. One person particularly pisses me off :doghouse. his levels suck, and he gives DDAs bad ratings, saying too much gold delay and crap like that. He gave Magnotechnology a 3.5! Thats the best there is! nevermore spent a week on it! oh, I'm sure you don't care XD. But i do enjoy your levels very much.

And this one....Is that a smiley face at the top? :) I also like the Bounce Blocks above the mines, really fun! good job! 4.5/5


You'll be around! Sweet.

Nice map. The bottom felt empty, but obviously you couldn't help that. I understand. The top was pure fun. Great map.


nice job. the bottom felt a bit empty, but the top plays quite well in my opinion.