Mr. Rogers in a Blood-Stained Sweater

Thumbnail of the map 'Mr. Rogers in a Blood-Stained Sweater'

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Author it0hg2
Tags author:it0hg2 dda rated
Created 2006-01-20
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description My second DDA. This map isn't really any better than my other's waaay not as pretty, that's for sure. (The tileset is some random scribbling, slightly modified.) I think it lasts a little longer, even though it's still really short. (For some reason, I don't like making a map in more than one sitting.) Anyway, comment, rate, and above all - enjoy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Ramjet Anthology: Pt. 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Ramjet Anthology: Pt. 3' Thumbnail of the map 'Ramjet Anthology: Pt. 4' Thumbnail of the map 'The Kruschinator' Thumbnail of the map 'Ramjet Anthology: Pt. 5' Thumbnail of the map 'Like a Hamster and a Snake'
Ramjet Anthology: Pt. 2 Ramjet Anthology: Pt. 3 Ramjet Anthology: Pt. 4 The Kruschinator Ramjet Anthology: Pt. 5 Like a Hamster and a Snake


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It didn't work for me. Wonder why not.


I'm glad someone got the title refrence, and I'm glad some people (sorta) liked it. But joeytheguy, could you be a little more specific possibly?



But there are two areas where there could be way more enemines and theyre just open space. 4/5


if this is only your second, you're gonna make history in the future.
Its the ultimate showdown! :P

I recognized the name immediatly.
(Because I`ve listened that song about ten times today)

Meh, you honestly should spend more time on your maps, no matter how irritating it might be. The 3 keys to mapmaking are spending time, playtesting, and trying to make them look as good and play as smoothly as possible.