The Ten Traps

Thumbnail of the map 'The Ten Traps'

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Author jalle7
Tags author:jalle7 playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-01-07
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description As the title says, theres ten traps to go through. This is my first N map, I hope you will enjoy!


Pages: (0)

I'm a noob

Is it possible to make a locked door with two buttons?


Thx for the tip. And yes, it is possible to go through the ten traps. Why shouldnt I playtest my maps?


you playtest your map?
I think some of the traps with the drones in them are impossible. Maybe its just me.

Nice idea for first map, though.
then you press tilde (~).

Its in the manual.

Help me plz

This is not to my map, I just want to know how to go back to the editor menu when I'm testing a new map.