
Thumbnail of the map 'Duality'

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Author SquidgY
Tags author:squidgy dda rated
Created 2006-01-06
Last Modified 2006-01-07
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description It's a DDA submission for doghouse's . Well, it's a KRADDA where I tried to use most objects twice. Since you can't really use a rocket launcher twice in a KRADDA, I just made two and tried to keep them seperate.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump and Trap' Thumbnail of the map 'Whipped Cream' Thumbnail of the map 'Harmony' Thumbnail of the map 'A Squidgy Survival Challenge' Thumbnail of the map 'Sanguinary' Thumbnail of the map 'Infiltration'
Thwump and Trap Whipped Cream Harmony A Squidgy Survival Challenge Sanguinary Infiltration


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Teleporting? Perhaps you just didn't follow what happened... even though it was a rather slow-paced DDA.


Unfortunately this has been done before, but nevertheless, this was an all round great, im having trouble choosing whos the winner right now but ill get there :)

Quite amazing

Great idea


Although pretty launchpad and gold delay heavy, the control over where the rockets went was pretty amazing.