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Author | Etothetaui |
Tags | author:etothetaui fun isolate rocket sharp unrated |
Created | 2020-08-24 |
Last Modified | 2020-08-24 |
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Description | Playtested by Jasdanu []
sharp /SHärp/ adjective adjective: sharp; comparative adjective: sharper; superlative adjective: sharpest 1. (of an object) having an edge or point that is able to cut or pierce something. "cut the cake with a very sharp knife" Opposite: rounded 2. producing a sudden, piercing physical sensation or effect. "I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my back" (of a food, taste, or smell) acidic and intense. "sharp goats' milk cheese" (of a sound) sudden and penetrating. "there was a sharp crack of thunder" (of words or a speaker) intended or intending to criticize or hurt. "she feared his sharp tongue" (of an emotion or experience) felt acutely or intensely; painful. "her sharp disappointment was tinged with embarrassment" 3. distinct in outline or detail; clearly defined. "the job was a sharp contrast from her past life" INFORMAL (of clothes or their wearer) neat and stylish. "they were greeted by a young man in a sharp suit" Opposite: shabby scruffy 4. (of an action or change) sudden and marked. "there was a sharp increase in interest rates" Opposite: gradual (of a bend, angle, or turn) making a sudden change of direction. "a sharp turn in the river" 5. having or showing speed of perception, comprehension, or response. "her sharp eyes missed nothing" quick to take advantage, especially in an unscrupulous or dishonest way. "Paul's a sharp operator" Opposite: naive ingenuous 6. (of musical sound) above true or normal pitch. (of a note) a semitone higher than a specified note. "the song sits on E and F-sharp" (of a key) having a sharp or sharps in the key signature. "recorder players are most comfortable in sharp keys" adverb adverb: sharp 1. precisely (used after an expression of time). "the meeting starts at 7:30 sharp" Opposite: approximately roughly 2. in a sudden or abrupt way. "he was brought up sharp by Helen's voice" 3. above the true or normal pitch of musical sound. "he heard him playing a little sharp on the high notes" noun noun: sharp; plural noun: sharps 1. a musical note raised a semitone above natural pitch. the sign ♯, indicating a sharp. 2. a long, sharply pointed needle used for general sewing. a thing with a sharp edge or point, such as a hypodermic needle, a blade, or a fragment of glass. "the safe disposal of sharps and clinical waste" 3. INFORMAL a swindler or cheat. verb verb: sharp; 3rd person present: sharps; past tense: sharped; past participle: sharped; gerund or present participle: sharping 1. US•MUSIC raise the pitch of (a note). 2. ARCHAIC cheat or swindle (someone), especially at cards. "the fellow is drunk, let's sharp him" Phrases sharp as a tack extremely clever or astute. not the sharpest knife in the drawer lacking intelligence; stupid. "she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but she isn't dishonest" Origin Old English sc(e)arp, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch scherp and German scharf . |
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