194-4: Five To Japanese Five

Thumbnail of the map '194-4: Five To Japanese Five'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Chrdrenkmann
Tags 194-4 995 author:chrdrenkmann episode series unrated
Created 2015-07-28
Last Modified 2015-07-28
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description "Go" means "Five" in Japanese -> 194-4: Five To Go -> five maps until 1000

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '193-3: Mesmeralda' Thumbnail of the map '193-4: The Scene That Earns The Most Applause' Thumbnail of the map '194-0: Digging Deeper' Thumbnail of the map '194-1: Stop Being So Edgy' Thumbnail of the map '194-2: ConfideNce' Thumbnail of the map '194-3: Organic'
193-3: Mesmeralda 193-4: The Scene That Earns The Most Applause 194-0: Digging Deeper 194-1: Stop Being So Edgy 194-2: ConfideNce 194-3: Organic


Pages: (0)

Pretty proud that I managed to beat this one quite soundly.

Good map too, but I agree with Dagga - I think you could do more if you branched out a little.
Demo Data
the top section was empty


Try [] something [] that [] will [] surprise [] us! []

Just some random maps of yours that stylistically evolved from the normal.

another []
another []
another []
another []

I'm just having fun, but seriously, I think you can make very impactful maps.
I think your maps are fantastic most of the time, but sometimes I feel a little bit like they're too empty, simple or repetitive.

I think you're limiting your creativity with a very consistent minimal style like this. Not all of your maps are just like this, but they all share the same feeling. By changing your methods you can probably achieve a new atmosphere in your levels.

That may not be what you want to do, and that's okay too. I think your levels will be more interesting if you expand your style.. mutate, experiment, challenge.


Sorry, I didn't understand that sentence. :D

I think

you need to expand out of your comfort zone with your future levels.


Demo Data