Ep. 1-2

Thumbnail of the map 'Ep. 1-2'

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Author MrKuba2003
Tags author:mrkuba2003 easy fun gold playable unrated
Created 2015-03-18
Last Modified 2015-03-18
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description lvl 1-3 coming soon xd

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '2015!' Thumbnail of the map 'No map name xD' Thumbnail of the map 'Bouncy Blocks :D' Thumbnail of the map 'Ep. 1-1'
2015! No map name xD Bouncy Blocks :D Ep. 1-1


Pages: (0)

You're improving.

Gameplay is pretty good already, try working on the aesthetics of future maps a tad more. One thing that I like to do is think of one aesthetic theme that the whole maps is based on - it prevents it from feeling like something that was thrown together randomly and gives it a more unified feel.

Anyhoozies, here's a first-try-drunk-AGD.
Demo Data