Thumbnail of the map 'YM'

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Author deep_blue
Tags arcana author:deep_blue unrated
Created 2015-01-23
Last Modified 2015-01-23
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Wheel of Fortune: Focus on a curvy and circular tileset. | The Sun: Mines can be used. | The High Priestess: Gauss turrets can be used. | The Tower: Launch pads can be used. | Uninhibited Energy Flow: Do not make any dead ends in your map. | Ain't No Rat In A Maze: Your map must resemble some kind of labyrinth.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Feel the Fission' Thumbnail of the map 'Wailing Chapel' Thumbnail of the map 'Trigonica Pike' Thumbnail of the map 'Cantdie Dragon' Thumbnail of the map 'Death and Devil, the Chariot Lovers' Thumbnail of the map 'Solar Hermit Emperor's Safe Walk'
Feel the Fission Wailing Chapel Trigonica Pike Cantdie Dragon Death and Devil, the Chariot Lovers Solar Hermit Emperor's Safe Walk


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that was the hottest part. thanks!

" Uninhibited Energy Flow: Do not make any dead ends in your map. | Ain't No Rat In A Maze: Your map must resemble some kind of labyrinth. "
Hah, kinda hard but you did it