Jet Fighter

Thumbnail of the map 'Jet Fighter'

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Author orchy
Tags action author:orchy playable unrated
Created 2005-12-30
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description OK, the name is lame. So sue me.


Pages: (0)

At least you didnt cluster! That probbably puts your map above at least 15000 maps that uber clustering noobs that I want to kill made.


I sorta did throw it together in five minutes. It was meant to be more like art than being hard, but seeing as it is playable I put it in this category.

second try

shoot for some difficulty. though it was really easy, i don't know why i enjoyed this one. i had fun anyways. next time go for perhaps a more innovative tileset, and enemie placement, because i could throw this level together in five minutes. 3.5/5
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