
Thumbnail of the map 'Shot'

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Author pribble
Tags author:pribble dda rated
Created 2005-12-30
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description About 45 seconds long, fast, and plenty of close calls. Please comment and rate. Thanks.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Four Rooms' Thumbnail of the map 'Rooms' Thumbnail of the map 'My Second DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'Eight Legged Freak' Thumbnail of the map 'Flung' Thumbnail of the map 'CHAOS'
Four Rooms Rooms My Second DDA Eight Legged Freak Flung CHAOS


Pages: (0)

Awesome map!

everything works really cool! It's not the best out there but it's pretty damn good 4.5/5! by the way, thanks for the rating on my "Limb Blaster" map. I'm glad somebody likes it! ; )


If I do make one i'll cite you but i dont know if i will. It seems that a lot of people dont like teleporters for some reason. We'll see.


Are you still gonna make a DDA on teleportion? If you are please site my DDA that uses them.
But the other types of propulsion and long duration make up for it. You also had some neat close calls. 4.5/5

P.S.:I posted how to make teleporters on your dedication cuz u asked, don't know if you saw it yet
No offence, but this is definitely not worthy of a 4.5/5. I gave it a 3.5.


yeah... what he said
You also utilized many different forms of propulsion, which is good. Well done, 4/5.