
Thumbnail of the map 'D34D_C4T'

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Author pocketchange24641
Tags author:pocketchange24641 curious everyoneisdeadnowgohome unrated
Created 2014-10-31
Last Modified 2014-11-02
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Hppy Hllwn.

Rules broken-

Weird item placement that's a bit off but then comes back together but not really idk

Bad thwump placement (just be glad I didn't put a rocket there, it was hell)

Super lopsided difficulty, that last part is really dumb easy pie

Inconsistent tileset

Bad mine placement

Weird open area in the middle that plays almost like a puzzle map but is ruined by the other items put there

Uncollectable gold in the corner


Bad exit placement

Literally submitted at the last second

And to top it all off a clever title ruined by l33tsp34k

(developer comments)

See it's a joke cuz curiosity killed the cat and now it's halloween lol okay

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Face of Ugliness' Thumbnail of the map 'Comfort Zone, And Breaking Out of It.' Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump Thwump Revolution Universe' Thumbnail of the map 'Spoken Ellipsis' Thumbnail of the map 'Wut?..' Thumbnail of the map 'Oh yeah, this still exists.'
The Face of Ugliness Comfort Zone, And Breaking Out of It. Thwump Thwump Revolution Universe Spoken Ellipsis Wut?.. Oh yeah, this still exists.


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Actually pretty fun

didn't see the curious tag, nvm

yeah well

I had to do something different with stuff... That was the contest gimmick, right?

cool looking map

but the beginning section with the launch pads feels like more of a trick than a treat