Gold Stairway

Thumbnail of the map 'Gold Stairway'

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Author Thisguy248
Tags author:thisguy248 easy gold highscorer unrated
Created 2014-02-05
Last Modified 2014-02-05
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This map was made for getting a high score.
You know you want the gold!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Ultamite Jump' Thumbnail of the map 'Bomb' Thumbnail of the map 'Go!' Thumbnail of the map 'GetDGold' Thumbnail of the map 'Skill City'
Ultamite Jump Bomb Go! GetDGold Skill City


Pages: (0)


2nd Playthrough. Tramps got me the first time. 3/5
Demo Data


Demo Data

not good. gold is boring, and placed on top of other objects such as doors, which never looks nice. the gameplay is blocky, which may or may not have to do with the only tiles on this map are e and d tiles. the mines add nothing to the gameplay, and the enemy placement sucks. tips: make a more open tileset, use less objects, make sure you enjoy jumping around in the tiles, and that they aren't too rough. ill give you more tips if you post more maps.
Demo Data