Prof Cat's Alley 6

Thumbnail of the map 'Prof Cat's Alley 6'

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Author Prof_Cat
Tags author:prof_cat dda unrated
Created 2005-12-27
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description It almost does it all by itself. Try to correct the flight pattern if he goes off course.

Other maps by this author

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Fireworks Prof Cat's Alley 1 Prof Cat's Alley 2 Prof Cat\'s Alley 4 Prof Cat's Alley 3


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The only reason i like this is because i got no. on the NReality table

WTF is this crap?

if this is a DDA im a black man's mama! u have to make the first frikking move 0/5
Demo Data

Ville is right

very stupid


If you have to do something, its not a DDA (Dont Do Anything)