Thwumps are 3/4 harmless

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Author Quasi
Tags action author:quasi concept perplex puzzle thwumps unrated
Created 2013-09-01
Last Modified 2013-09-01
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description incomplete, but who cares
AGD not recommended, HAGD (half of all gold demo) recommended!

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Players need a chance to catch their breath at that point, plus the way it's set up, it can push the player down through the platform, skipping the next thwump.

Also cut back on the one-ways for the sake of one-ways. There's no need for that much back-and-forth. Maybe in a shorter/less punishing map, but not here.

(Actually, in a shorter map, you could also keep the upwards thwump. Maybe my advice should just be "don't try to fill the map.")

Check out next map..


/rly hard lolz