ChrisE Im not on Skype enough so start collab over comments?

Thumbnail of the map 'ChrisE Im not on Skype enough so start collab over comments?'

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Author fingersonthefrets
Tags author:fingersonthefrets gig unrated
Created 2013-07-11
Last Modified 2013-07-11
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description made over 2 spans listening to this song

Really like it, not sure how I hadn't heard of it before. Not a massive queen fan, but liking this definitely.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Beow' Thumbnail of the map 'myke sleepless' Thumbnail of the map 'LyingNextToYou' Thumbnail of the map 'Root' Thumbnail of the map 'Early' Thumbnail of the map 'Honestly?'
Beow myke sleepless LyingNextToYou Root Early Honestly?


Pages: (0)

Up for a collab?


Fun map :D
Demo Data

Another slow, but faster demo. (AGD)
Demo Data


demo []

here is my 'demo' ;d

AGD. Slow slow slow, but I'm not good enough for a better route. Very fun map, good placement.
Demo Data
better still possible..
5 from me
Demo Data

sorry about

grammar etc. in title. 60 char is not very much. I need some waterrr