Pink and Blue

Thumbnail of the map 'Pink and Blue'

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Author Traveleravi
Tags author:traveleravi cereal hard highscore nreality unrated
Created 2013-04-10
Last Modified 2013-04-10
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This map is dedicated to Nphasis [] who likes lasers and thinks that restricted seekers is too much.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '09-4: The Trance-Like Hand of Death' Thumbnail of the map '09-3: Shatterproof Arm of Glass' Thumbnail of the map '[]' Thumbnail of the map 'Can someone take over my life so I can sleep for a year?' Thumbnail of the map 'Honey I shrunk the ninja' Thumbnail of the map 'Vampire With a Paper Route'
09-4: The Trance-Like Hand of Death 09-3: Shatterproof Arm of Glass [] Can someone take over my life so I can sleep for a year? Honey I shrunk the ninja Vampire With a Paper Route


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It was easy to figure out.
Why don't you try making the same effect without the images?(Well, the foreground image is necessary..)
and since is a NReality, I think you could have done some modification to the laser shoot, somthing like frequency or duration if you want 4 lasers there, just as ideas. Would be really interresting.

Thanks for the ded

The moving background is impeccable. It is a little distracting though. I think I could stare at it forever. I'd like to see a background lie that paired with some simple gameplay. I would need some serious focus to complete this map as it is quite challenging. Seriously though man, That image is pretty kickass. I have no clue how you did that.


I actually really liked the lasers. I never understood why people are so against waiting. I think it definitely takes skill to know where to wait and how much to wait.

Also Bio your comment is bad, incredibly so. It isn't helpful at all. If you think a map is bad please tell me what you don't like about it. Zoas's comment is much more helpful as it helps me understand what he didn't like about it.

Not incredibly bad,

but quite right. Four lasers here didn't work well. Are timed pretty bad and you are forced to wait for them, and they cut the road almost every time making it a bit unplayable. The solution is maybe only a couple of them, one by axle, vertical and horizontal, not two.

Althouht, NReality thing is supreme here!!! Well done.
incredibly so

How you read my mind?


look at the thumbnail if you want to know where the exit is...