
Thumbnail of the map 'complex'

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Author mj_
Tags author:mj_ playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-12-22
Last Modified 2005-12-22
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description OK, this is the first map I've ever made... I got a bit of a chance to play around with trap doors and drone algorithms and such, and even at trying to fix bugs. I'm actually not that good at N myself and my patience is very limited, so I couldn't really do something very hard because I wanted to be able to do it myself!

It's called complex because that's what I thought it looked like: some sort of secret complex out of some spy movie. It's not really a puzzle but that's pretty much the only category it could fit in - it may help to plan your route.

It's a fun level full of doors, locked doors, trap doors, detours and oneway platforms. But there is one tiny bug that I couldn't fix... extra brownie points if you can spot it!

Please vote this. I'm off to make some more maps ;)


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Thanks guys!! There will be more in the making.


That was something special man!
keeep up the good work!

Fu**ing amazing!

Hey guy! That was an really great map! You get a 8/5 from me. Dont stop mapping, its really good.


Please vote!!