paste & packs

Thumbnail of the map 'paste & packs'

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Author paste
Tags author:paste packs paste rated
Created 2012-12-08
Last Modified 2012-12-08
by 17 people.
Map Data

Description PASTE!!! [] [] []

PACKS!!! [] [] []

two brand new tools for the community to enjoy


come to the forums or irc channel if you've got questions or suggestions



Oh sidke,

you evil evil evil genius.


Don't make fun of my noobiness :P
had 84 10+ times
Demo Data

Not really

Demo Data


improvable but w/e.
Demo Data


I believe it's maxed.
Demo Data
you pull something like this out of your ass. Unreal; you're amazing.

sidke is the man





Since I'm a packlover, this can easily be my favorite! Thanks!!

ah sidke

you're so cool. Thanks for another awesome N feature!



not maxed
Demo Data


I just get the whole thing right now, it's something like a 'pastebin with a viewer and with memory to a step back' !!!
>silly zoas again< :P

Jere, you (you and your collaborator) just send the links back and forth for each new step of the collab map.

it's just like linking him to an nmaps page or a pastebin

ok and this mapper get the link.. where?

go ahead zoas! :3

If i submit a code
where does it go?

when you submit a paste, it should send you to a new page:

you just need to give that link to who you want to collaborate with!

If i submit a code
where does it go?
with my account as a collab and featuring the links to the app and the thread to adverstise?


now you know how to use it!
good job :3
You like the edits? :P


for now, it only sees two levels. the current paste, and the paste that it is an edit of.

i may change this later, but for now only two levels


Then, if I do not send to you the link, you can not see it right?

These were the edits that I did:

The application only has memory recall two steps back?
Ok guys, now I can understand it perfectly. Thank you.

My collaborator can sub to NUMA the map data with his edits with his account no?

yeah he can, but it is not at all different from how you collabed before. you decide who submits to numa between the collaborators, and you trust only he will submit it. the link to submit to numa is just a handy shortcut
1. You make a paste.
2. You send that link to another person.
3. They make edits and paste them as "Submit as Edit"
4. They send you that link. You can now click between what they edited and your original map.

You can repeat this process as many times as you like. Does this make sense?

3. The supposed collaborator make his editions. He paste the editions.
4. I can see them.

there is a step 3.5, and that is
3.5. the supposed collaborator sends you the link to his edit

and yes the paste account is just for advertising, no special function

I'm going to do a 'structure thing' to ses if if I understood.

1. You're collabing, you make the paste data with with the application.
2. You choose a collaborator and you send the link of the first step of the map with the 'paste' application.
3. The supposed collaborator make his editions. He paste the editions.
4. I can see them.
5. If I'm agree I can sub to NUMA with my normal account no?

Then, i have some questions again:

My collaborator can sub to NUMA the map data with his edits with his account no?
Also, then, what function do the 'paste' account in NUMA? It's only for showing us this?

ah ;w;

that is not what 'no logging in with accounts' meant. i meant that you will not log into with an account, it would remain anonymous. you need to be logged into numa to submit maps from


Now I had tried to post at NUMA the map data with the edition I had made, logged out as you said in the thread, when I can't, after choosing title and click back to 'sub to numa' button, I need to be logged, which account should I use?
you will need to give that url to whomever you are collabing with


I've actually made some editions as 'New Edits'. Where we can found them? When the 'Map it's done' thing happens or who decide that?
since it was to just demo the viewing of changes,
so for what it's worth
Demo Data []
i wonder why ampersands don't work


thank you i didn't notice that