Confusion Tower

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Author Traveleravi
Tags author:traveleravi hard unrated
Created 2012-10-28
Last Modified 2012-10-28
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I'm so confused the tower is guarded and there does not seem like a way to leave. Escape the tower and reach the door.

Other maps by this author

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Traffic Balls Fountain of Fire and Gold Stairs and Vines Whirlpool Vortex Quest Eerie Maze


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Overall the start is okay. It could have been good if you widen the area to 5 thwumps or so. Put some mines. Some timing. Switch at the top. Door at the bottom..

Do you have a feeling to fill 100% of the map? That is a bad thing. The center is okay, rest is shit.