
Thumbnail of the map 'Widescreen'

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Author jtbandes
Tags author:jtbandes dda rated
Created 2005-12-19
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Well, I guess this is a misnomer because it's not THAT widescreen, but I want to call it that. I had a lot of trouble working around stuff in the upper right corner. The tileset was just me playing around and then making it into a DDA. Please rate and comment. :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Loopular' Thumbnail of the map 'Fool the rocket' Thumbnail of the map 'Round and round and up and down' Thumbnail of the map 'Jump Start' Thumbnail of the map 'Bouncy Block' Thumbnail of the map 'Thwumps 'n' more (hold left)'
Loopular Fool the rocket Round and round and up and down Jump Start Bouncy Block Thwumps 'n' more (hold left)


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Kinda short but i guess it cant be much longer in that small of a space. 3/5


You wrote 3.5/5, but you didn't rate.


Good work, sir. You should've used more trap doors, but that's fine. The DDA itself is cool. And yor tilestes are getting better, too.