
Thumbnail of the map 'Patriotism'

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Author PyroBeaver
Tags action author:pyrobeaver playable rated
Created 2005-12-19
Last Modified 2005-12-19
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Uhhhh.... Ride the Thwumps... Again a level I'd put in the easy category...

Other maps by this author

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Peak 3 Trials X-Symmetry


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how ironic, the map that took me the least time to do is my highest rated and (currently) my only map to be rated by 5 people.
your first rated map, congrats


lol no offence taken! I've always thought i'm a mediocre map maker


I'm sorry, PyroBeaver, if I offend you in any way, but BS11, this map is not worth a 5.

That tileset isn't really that great, and the play is alright. If you're just giving it a 5 because it's British, that's not really the right thing to do.

It's really only worth about a 3.5/4. I'm going to give it a 4.

That tileset is

amazing, are you british? 5/5