era of gradient.

Thumbnail of the map 'era of gradient.'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author lsudny
Tags action author:lsudny mrmc unrated
Created 2012-07-12
Last Modified 2012-09-01
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Making of this map was recorded for Aids. :3 []

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Reversed Nebulade' Thumbnail of the map '(autoasphyxiation)' Thumbnail of the map 'blink of thought' Thumbnail of the map 'dance for us, presidents!' Thumbnail of the map 'floating echoes / tranquility' Thumbnail of the map 'Anathema'
Reversed Nebulade (autoasphyxiation) blink of thought dance for us, presidents! floating echoes / tranquility Anathema


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dis suqs

I love the tiles. I might use that square shape. I'm less reluctant on handing these out but what the heck, 5aved!
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incredible, I've got a little book of works by him (printed kinda poorly unfortunately) and I think i'll get some proper poster prints soon. he's on facebook as DWdesign, some the recent stuff has been awesome, especially this one with like.. a hummingbird/face/thing... haha.
map haha. Wish videos like. were automatically made and submitted with each map hahaha, the maps not bad, I really enjoyed watching the process though haha.

i'll check out

the vid haha. awesome
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