Dead Horses in the 18th Hole

Thumbnail of the map 'Dead Horses in the 18th Hole'

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Author insatiable
Tags author:insatiable i014 rated
Created 2012-05-14
Last Modified 2012-05-14
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description trance . rose . zoas

This is the Ded Map to golfkid for win on the yesterday Legit HR Competition
(219390 and 219391)

Something also to Arctic_Pony, he put boiling water into the pot and found a very rapid route in part two, and innovating in the first. But golfkid took it to heart, and won. Congratulations.

Also a special mention to Kool-aid, he beat both marks and take the 0th after.
Then a pity that was off limits.
Also remm and Toilette were there.
So impressives demos and nice battle from Arctic_Pony and golfkid! Thanks to all!

In last, hope trance like it.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Everything in Its Right Place' Thumbnail of the map 'Tears of Alcohol' Thumbnail of the map 'Citadel' Thumbnail of the map 'Hotel La Barranca' Thumbnail of the map 'The Accolade, Fucking Bots and Either One' Thumbnail of the map 'LazyFair'
Everything in Its Right Place Tears of Alcohol Citadel Hotel La Barranca The Accolade, Fucking Bots and Either One LazyFair


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sub400, still improvable
Demo Data


That's the intended bottom route, i have some innov for the top right, i'll post after. (posting this one because i like the frames amount number) And i know the top route is faster and a bit harsh..
Demo Data

*choose the correct path or the precise moment
even the switch part.
For the mines/drone part you only need your correct path or the precise moment. I assure you this one have hours of playtest and re-editions.

not bad.

the object placement is ugly, but it works well. some parts were kind of annoying, like the mine/drone room or the exit switch. 3/5
Demo Data

Demo Data
So most of the credit goes to him.