It's 20 seconds 'till the last call

Thumbnail of the map 'It's 20 seconds 'till the last call'

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Author Sunset
Tags action author:sunset unrated
Created 2012-05-13
Last Modified 2012-05-13
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Callin', HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Victoria approached me' Thumbnail of the map 'Let your madness run with mine' Thumbnail of the map 'When the Blitzkrieg raged' Thumbnail of the map 'It's a kind of magic' Thumbnail of the map 'Love's gonna get ya down' Thumbnail of the map 'Here come those Santa Ana winds again'
Victoria approached me Let your madness run with mine When the Blitzkrieg raged It's a kind of magic Love's gonna get ya down Here come those Santa Ana winds again


Pages: (0)

Or, I did, actually. I spent a while working through this to make sure everything worked well. Guess not?

not sure

you might want a few dozen more

on a more serious note, this looks - and plays - more like a jumble of ideas than one, coherent map, like a meal where you just throw lots of ingredients together and hope it's edible. Some of it's good, and some of it's not so good - bottom right is trollish, for instance - and in the end it's just so big and long that it's self-defeating like my dick. Sometimes less is more, dude.

I dunno.

Do I?

are you sure

you have enough drones