Aperture Science Underground 02

Thumbnail of the map 'Aperture Science Underground 02'

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Author HisTime
Tags action agdhard author:histime mines ninja portal unrated
Created 2011-12-09
Last Modified 2011-12-09
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Odd noises coming from up there.. Better check it out.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Aperture Science Testchamber 04' Thumbnail of the map 'Aperture Science Testchamber 05' Thumbnail of the map 'Aperture Science Testchamber 00 - Falling' Thumbnail of the map 'Riot screw you' Thumbnail of the map 'Aperture Science Testchamber -01' Thumbnail of the map 'Aperture Science Underground 01'
Aperture Science Testchamber 04 Aperture Science Testchamber 05 Aperture Science Testchamber 00 - Falling Riot screw you Aperture Science Testchamber -01 Aperture Science Underground 01


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what the hell exactly happened in this demo
Demo Data


add me: Gioum
(same name)
or if it doesn't appear, Elmer Fudd, and a shitty drawing of Elmer Fudd (from looney toones)

just average it.

30 + 24 + 40 / 3
= 31.33333333333333333333333333∞

lol I'm 14 too

too make links go to the BBC thing that is down under the comment box. and no, I don't play Leage of Legends, but I do play on steam! steamname plox?

Uhh.. 40 is the right one.
wich one is right? 30,24 or 40 ?


Not a very good one though, but that last jump is as hard as heck without the extra speed coming from left.
Oh and 1 frame = 0.025 seconds; 1 second = 40 frames
Demo Data

speedrun here
Demo Data
the map itself isn't that hard..
the AGD is impossibru


Demo Data
hard as fuck tho. Have you tought of making a map that is like, not masochism and with a plain difficulty curve? I don't remember being able to complete one of your maps... :c



It'susually 24

and I'm not really older than you... unless you're 13

I believe it's 30.

The demo..

It's a hard agd.. atleast for me. By the way, can anyone tell me how long is 1 sec in frames. thank you
Demo Data