coNtaiNmeNt chamber

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Author Scyther
Tags author:scyther door evil rocket scyther unrated
Created 2011-08-18
Last Modified 2011-08-18
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description ...And on the 8th day, he invented Force Fields, and it was good and they were used in games over and over until we were sick of them. Oh hey look some barrier type things are obstructing you, but don't worry it's not a force field. See, the game calls it a "door" therefore it is not in any way a force field. Really!

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big load time
But the rockets are too strong; by the time 3 layers are gone it gets really tough.

Idea is cool

but the map is a little too challenging once the third missile comes into play. This would be so much better with lets say, one ways behind the locked doors, or just trap doors on the missiles themselves.
That many traps just lags loading, and takes too long to trigger.
Fun while it lasts though ^^