02-0 Gold-Mine

Thumbnail of the map '02-0 Gold-Mine'

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Author pokemonmaster53594
Tags 02-0 11 author:pokemonmaster53594 gold-mine joke unrated
Created 2011-08-11
Last Modified 2011-08-11
Map Data

Description It's easy to get the joke "gold-mine" once you look at it. I just kinda spammed things in designs and shapes. It's kinda like one of these mine jumpers.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '00-4 Hex Mines' Thumbnail of the map '01-0 Bouncy' Thumbnail of the map '01-1 Pipes' Thumbnail of the map '01-2 Electric Worm' Thumbnail of the map '01-3 Don't mined if I do' Thumbnail of the map '01-4 Thwump!'
00-4 Hex Mines 01-0 Bouncy 01-1 Pipes 01-2 Electric Worm 01-3 Don't mined if I do 01-4 Thwump!


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Just as fast as ska...

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AGD -2

It's more beneficial highscore-wise to not get the last 2 I think...
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but the map is actually fun and enjoyable, a nice minejumper. not a big-deal minjumper but it's something nice and easy. Also, give it a chance and tag it with amazeus, I find this something fun.
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amazing! if you know what I mean
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