Su Ezama

Thumbnail of the map 'Su Ezama'

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Author Epic4ever
Tags action amazeus author:epic4ever unrated
Created 2011-08-09
Last Modified 2011-08-09
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Numacon!!!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Wolf' Thumbnail of the map 'Can you resist it?' Thumbnail of the map 'JumpStyle' Thumbnail of the map 'Worms' Thumbnail of the map 'This Is War' Thumbnail of the map '200-1=199'
Wolf Can you resist it? JumpStyle Worms This Is War 200-1=199


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I heard you were gay and my_stro was bi


I heard you were gay and my_stro was bi

I just heard
and I was simply confirming it.'ll need nreality Download []

Nexx's Image Map Tutorial []
So instead of it being 2^540,540,-1,0 , it'll be something like 2^540,540,-1,10. The last digit doesn't really matter, so long as you get your ninja to the place preferred. You also can't go through one-ways. Not sure why, you just can't.

Hope this helps.


It's just a simple matter of editing the code in the level data box.

If the launchpad is the most recent object placed, it will be at the end of the level data. It'll look something like:
To break it down for you, the 2 designates a launchpad.
the 396,456 are the x and y coordinates of it.
the space with the 0 is the horizontal strength of the launchpad.
the space with the -1 is the vertical strength of the launchpad.

When editing the numbers, note that the vertical and horizontal do not operate on the same scale. So a vertical strength of 3 is about equal to a horizontal strength of 15 or something. It's just a matter of messing around with the numbers until you get the ninja landing where you want it.

Also, the first frame after the launch, you are invincible and cannot react to any object.

Hope that helps.
For more, search the old forums, LV has a teleporter tutorial there in the mapping subforum.


That's one of the only things in this ggame i don't know how to do... i'm sorry... you have to ask someone else

Attempt demo

First part of the maze is cool, but then it becomes more of a chore as you progress through the level, the bottom-left par of te maze could've used a bit more work to stop it feeling dry. I give this one a 3
Demo Data

Plz post comment after u have played and rated.. I wanna say thank you!!!