
Thumbnail of the map 'Drilled'

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Author vote_king
Tags author:vote_king n-art rated
Created 2005-12-14
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Its my first, I am only 6. go easy

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Task 1'
Simple Task 1


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i know that you are 8 now but oh my GOD stop submitting maps stop being a n00b n00b...


that was kinda mean. Although I think it's odd that a 6-year-old can't read...I could read at 3½...Whatever.

I'm giving you a 0

Why are you here? If you can't use a computer by yourself and you make maps like this, I can't think of any reason. I won't go easy on you coz your 6. You should go easy on us and not post maps.

I cant' read.

I get my brother to do the typing for me.


just being able to use a computer at your age is good. im surprised u can type and read and stuff. that aline gets you a 3.5/5. good job!!!