Under Certain Circlestancies

Thumbnail of the map 'Under Certain Circlestancies'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author andreas_xx
Tags author:andreas_xx race rated
Created 2011-07-13
Last Modified 2011-07-13
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description I would never make a map like this...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Cavemans Playground' Thumbnail of the map 'Lampshade' Thumbnail of the map 'What'ca Lookin' at?' Thumbnail of the map 'Fletcher vs Car' Thumbnail of the map 'As Far As We Go' Thumbnail of the map 'I'm watching you!'
Cavemans Playground Lampshade What'ca Lookin' at? Fletcher vs Car As Far As We Go I'm watching you!


Pages: (0)

andreas whats your first Race Map? Want to play.

Demo Data

not funny at all ;)
after loading/refreshing a map, pres 1 for "Begin recording demo"
then plres play, and play the map
when finished hit the debug button and copy the code in the lower box to the right
paste it in the small box below your comment, where it says
Demo Data

How can I record a demo data?

I know it's a funny question, but I'm new here ..
They don't match with the ingenious flow and fantastic timing you did. Solid 4, but still needs some work involved I think.
Demo Data

haha wtf rozer xD

Pretty sweet

The drone timing was great, and the flow was good too. However, it's just not up to the level of perfectionism I know you can reach.


i got really lucky
Demo Data

i like how if you go slow at the beginning the thwumps speed you up :D
Demo Data

really? i find it pretty easy... i nail it every time...


top drone part is haaaaaaard


aparently, my last map "I'm watching you!" where my 400th map submitted here on NUMA... so yay! congratz to me! :D
Demo Data