
Thumbnail of the map 'Labyrinth'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author n_sanity
Tags action author:n_sanity beatable fun medium playable unrated
Created 2011-05-22
Last Modified 2011-11-07
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description enjoy, everyone.

Other maps by this author

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n_sanity 2 [1-1] half 'n' half 2 Just4fun Maze 1337 n_sanely awesome


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I like the gold and mine areas. The rest is boring.
Demo Data

Fastest AGD

1621 frames
Demo Data

wrong demo :P
Demo Data

speed ;)

lol-ending :P
try avoiding e tiles :) i can see most of your maps only have e-tiles, and often that's not fun to play around in ;) just saying :P
Demo Data
the rocket area is cheatable.
if not used well.

the laser drones were the most challenging part of the map.
Demo Data